A music platform giving artist's independence and fans unique experiences, merchandise and rewards.

Gala Music is a decentralised music platform powered by Web3 technology, designed to empower musicians and fans globally. It revolutionises the music experience by offering artists and supporters a rewarding way to engage, creating a transparent and inclusive space for the global music community.
As a UI designer, I was part of re-designing the full platform release in 2023. Collaborating closely with the UX team, our design process was characterised by iterative development, implementing Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) at different stages to fine-tune user experiences post-launch. The redesign encompassed every aspect of the platform, from aesthetics to navigation, ensuring a seamless and visually appealing interface.
Introducing new pages, including Charts, Nodes, and Experiences, underscored our commitment to providing diverse and engaging content. 
Furthermore, my involvement extended beyond Gala Music, encompassing collaboration with other brands within the family, such as Film and VOX. This cross-brand engagement underlines a commitment to maintaining a cohesive visual identity and a seamless user experience across diverse platforms.

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